"Well, I already have a date with one 'Loes',
in that pub 'Bruintje'." Ien hesitated …
"Loes?" ..." Klaassen, double a, double s"
"And ... a pub called 'Bruintje'?
You never ever date, the only people you see
are Henk and me. But do come and see me."
" 'Bruintje' is from a commercial,
I thought you were familiar with it."
"No, anyhow Henk is probably gonna come too."
It suited Paul, that Ien and Henk would come to him.
Ien's mother was a dentist, and who wants to go there.
He had been at Henk's parents ... loud people.
Always busy there, and the only subject ...
those fucking street organs, or whatever.
And they had those two huge German shepherds.