In the big house with the thatched roof and
a backyard that extended all the way to the
river 'Grote Nete'. Using the towpaths of the
Kempen channels he drove home. (Stopped for
eating and drinking in Postel, Gerwen and
Keldonk at lock 5 in the 'Zuidwillemsvaart'.)
Although Carmenita had asked: "Ah Boet, can't
you bring Henk with the van?" But Henk himself
had brushed off the suggestion. A February sun
shone, on arrival in Nijmegen. It was quiet,
no barking dogs at the gate, which was locked.
The neighbors, who had a key, only knew that
his parents were to Scandinavia or Scotland.
They said they hadn't agreed yet, the morning
of their departure, about ten days ago.

Nice and quiet to start working on his film.
But eventually the empty house was going on
his nerves. Besides, he had no idea of editing
and also lacked the equipment. The person who
could help him, Erdal, was in the USA and the
application interview for film school was by
the end of March. He had been to 'the Racehorse',
but Ien no longer lived here. He would have to
ask her mother. This month he had to go to the
dentist anyway. And would Paul still live in that
trailer? First make a visit to the Pot family.