"When we left Rotterdam harbor ..."
"Yes Henk, that's the first line of
the song Ketelbinkie, the deck hand."
"And sing instead of Rotterdam, Ithaca."
"When we left Ithaca harbor, with the
'Edam' ... what was their ship named?"
To catch the Odyssey in one song, was
asking for trouble, grandpa thought.
"Moreover, the journey started in Ismaros.
What preceded is Iliad. And then that
'we', the only one returning was Odysseus."
"We'll see." Paul's motto. If necessary
we'll put Iliad and Odyssey in one song.
Ien added Paul's idea to the notebook.
"I'll have a look at it, later at home."

Our black ship with the red bow.
When we left Ithaca harbor
To fight the Trojans in the east
For beautiful Helena of Sparta
Being captured by Paris that beast
We had a guy, rather clever
Laertes' son with us on board
Who transformed Calchas' dreams
To wooden horse as final chord
After the victory over Trojans
Ajax the Lesser he outran
And so the crater and the ox won
That Odysseus was our man.