But what attracts my gaze precisely to that place?
What in that clutter is a magnet to my eyes?
Carefully my hand goes into the flower vase
And out comes a brownish bottle, small in size
Containing a cocktail of toxic slumber fluids
Drugs that were developed by modern druids
Palphium, Rohypnol, Nitrazepam or Mogadon
Scored, scraped together by my friend Manon
She says: simply holding it eases my brain
I just need to see it and it soothes the pain
But taking them, hopefully she will delay
She's beckoned out, the open seas to meet,
The mirror waters glitter at her feet
To other shores allures another day.

Das also war des Pudels Kern!
(This was the poodle's core!)
Manon not only was an Aussteiger (dropout),
but also had an ultimate Ausstieg (exit)
on hand. Ien wasn't worrying too much
about it. In previous centuries there were
many people with a poison capsule at hand.
It probably gave them some mental strength.
It was called romantic. On the other hand,
in those days you were more likely to be tortured.
Would she undergo live as a torture? Don't think so.
Goethe's poodle
Komrij's cat
Ding an sich
What is that?

JW Goethe ................. Gerrit Komrij .......... Immanuel Kant