A while ago Manon had been to Zeeland to
pick magic mushrooms. "Near Grave or the
province?" "The province. Somewhere near
Zierikzee." That name triggered Ien to come
up with: "That's weird, I just happened to
have read a book by Iman Wilkens, in which
he claims that Schouwen-Duiveland would be
the island of Circe, Aeaea. 'Zierik' as in
Zierikzee sounds like Circe. In Greek it's
pronounced as 'Kirke" and numerous places in
Zeeland end with 'kerke'. He also solved the
question where Erembea is. 'De Peel' area,
perhaps?" "No Henk, that would be Pylos.
Erembea is Eramecourt in Picardy, northern
France. Yes, I totally plunged into his
fascinating book. Now I'm reading a number
of books where his story is based on." "And
Ithaka then?" "Cadiz in Spain." "Is not an
island, Ien." "In the Bronze Age, though."