for 25 boxes hard rock merchandising stuff:
Judas Priest T-shirts, Motörhead buckles ...
Since the beginning of the motocross season
this spring, he worked for the French lubricants
brand Lubriflex. To install billboards, banners,
crating the engines for an overseas Grand Prix,
that sort of work. In the Ford Transit was beside
the boxes and his Kawasaki motorcycle just enough
room for an air mattress and a sleeping bag.
"My address, mother? Poste Restante Toulouse."

Vanessa's complaint (in her diary):
That bastard of a Henk,
that smug jellyfish.
Like there's nothing wrong with him,
that mullet, that goldfish,
that red fish head.
His freedom, an excuse.
His smooth talking,
his deadpan face ...
That student with a summer job.
Why was he in the 'Onderbroeck'?
Why did I put up with him?
And Norma rubbing salt in the wound
with her love bird behavior.