everyone went to college and so on ...
Well, Erdal and Victor have been scouted
or how do you say ... headhunted.
At least, they are asked to submit
a request for a scholarship in Phoenix
Arizona. You know who also is gonna study
human geography ... Anneke van Driest.
Who clearly had a crush on someone.
What has become of Sara Troelstra?
I don't know. Oh, come up with something
yourself. Mark Antonisse wanted to keep
it a secret that he was going to the
Royal Military Academy in Breda.
But it came out anyhow.

"I've filmed nothing yet, but
I have gained a few pounds."
Wrote Henk to Paul and grandpa.
"Boy, what I've missed so far on
delicious food, I'm catching up quickly.
Eggplant gratin, risotto with delicious
mushrooms and much grappa, very much."
Your Femios Terpioszoon
(here called Enrico)