page 38

Ien suspected her mother to
have a relationship with the
salesman of Novidental.
A creep with a reddish beard.
Also on behalf of Tony she took
revenge, on paper at least.

Dear Abby,

When I found slick Rick, that jack-pudding,
that three dollar bill in Adam's costume on
top of our hell's bells Martha, I reached
for my Tommy gun. By George, you jerry-built
Jesus figure, with your Judas beard, put on
your long johns and get out of here. I don't
wanna be peeping Tom. Listen, I'm no steady Eddy,
much more an old Nick, if you don't get the hell
out of here. And you, plain Jane, nervous Nellie,
I'm not done with you. Katie bar the door.
Now I could use a Rob Roy, or a bloody Mary.

Greetings from a doubting Thomas.