Guy Fawkes
It was November 3rd and Ien that day
replaced mothers assistant Angelique.
"Mrs. Vossebelt, your turn." But Tony
came in, ruddy, with two gifts and a
bouquet of flowers. Martha got a fake
ermine hat and Ien a tropical fish.
Ien made the alginate. "Mrs. Vossebelt
is coming for a dental cast." And went
off with Tony to put the fish in one of
the many aquariums Tony had scattered
throughout the house. "The day after
tomorrow is your birthday, huh dad?
Do you stay until then, please? I'll
ask mom. The Gunpowder Plot, a penny
for the guy, how could I forget."

"Ever heard anything of Eva?"
Paul and Henk played a game of darts
against Ien and Tony in the pub
'the Racehorse of Genius'.
"The first letter was answered.
Well, with a card. Since then ..."
Henk said, and there he stopped.
Tony stayed with a friend who had
a small room above 'the Racehorse of
Genius', since once more he was thrown
out at the Timorstraat. At the day after
his birthday, when in the morning Martha
Haverkamp found a guy snoring on the sofa.
A horrible smell, and next to his hand
a self extinguished cigarette butt,
that made a scorch in the carpet.
It was Mike Hunt, who Tony had met
in the British Legion Pub.