Stop the shooting
We aren't really looting
Gathering wood in the rubble
Not looking for any trouble
The wood is not
for the midsummer fire
but to heat the pot
and the fryer
Holy holy Dimitri
Who's behind yonder tree
Is it Slav or Ottoman?
Dracula or Peter Pan?
Sniper, sniper
Go along
But save the singers
Of this song

Carmenita considered wearing contact lenses.
"No, don't do it, composers wear glasses.
What you could do is, not only bleach your
hair, but your mustache as well ... oops
that really hurts." "Pff, I can take that.
It's you, who is easily offended ... Enkidu."
She knew he abhorred the pet name she had
come up with. "Ça suffit. Today we need to
work hard. Especially now we're getting
somewhere. In two weeks I have to present
the whole thing to the producer and with
the end, I'm still not satisfied." It was
quite obvious that Marie ruled the roost.