had had it in bar 'Extase'. It was Saturday
(Sunday already) and when they came outside
suddenly everything had turned white.
They fired a few snowballs at a road sign
and were invited by a student named Radboud
to go to a gig of a Basque punk group in
the 'Onderbroeck' a basement pub underneath
the squatted building the 'Grote Broeck'
formerly the 'Nijmeegs Dagblad' housing.

It was actually his birthday, but even Paul
didn't know this. For five years Henk didn't
celebrate his birthday anymore. That was since
he had seen himself, in a new sweater, with
his gifts, sitting in front of a plate full
of delicious cream puffs. That his mother
had baked and filled with yellow custard.
Which showed a resemblance to the pimples
around his mouth and on his nose. However,
the acne had disappeared now he had to shave
regularly. They got really drunk that night