And tied the captain to the mast
Only Odysseus heard the Sirens
He judged their singing unsurpassed
The monsters Scylla and Charybdis
Eventually sang our swan song
The captain clung on to a beam
And drifted thus nine days long
But in Calypso's little sea cave
Rather reluctant supposedly
He may have stayed seven years long
Until Athena set him free

Odysseus, Athena and Nausicaa
Nausicaa, Alcinous' daughter
Was giving her clothes a bleach
Odysseus who was shipwrecked
Exhausted naked on the beach
He tells the king all his stories
His majesty would let him go
With lots of gifts he could return
The ship though was petrified
The Phaeacian rowers left to spurn
Hid his gifts in Phorcys' harbor
And Athena bleached his hair
Transforms him into a beggar
So the suitors wouldn't care