"Oh no, that's quite useless and only the first
lines fit the melody. Wait I'll play the record."
So Paul bought himself a rhyming dictionary.
It also had information about rhyme schemes
and things like iamb and trochee.
"Is 'Yellow sun of Ecuador' a four-foot trochee?
Yel low sun of E cua dor
"No, not quite ...
Anyhow ... let's the take the atlas and search
for words that sound like Ecuador."
Here this one ... Tuvalu.
The capital has a great name: Funafuti.
"Italy, for instance …
Horny sun of Italy
Venus brother
you hot firebrand"
"No, 'Venus brother' doesn't
sound like 'lead me on'
It would have to be 'Venus bro'"
A full trash can later ...
Performer of 'Mexico'
without name
la la la la tremolo
"Hehenk" shouted his mother downstairs.