back of the bike, so he taught her riding using
the bicycle of his mother. Before that it never
entered his mind that someone wasn't able to
ride a bicycle. She soon got the hang of it and
even liked it. Cause she asked Manon if she could
try her racing bike, and then she immediately
bought one herself. Carmenita, Ien and Manon
were doing a lot of things together, leaving
Henk out, so Henk was more and more on his
own. There wasn't really a click with André.
Maybe because they resembled each other a bit.
Not in appearance but in their behavior.
Territory, pecking order ... those sort of things.

Hey André, what did you do?
Slept Henk's love tonight with you?
Yeah, a face palm and a shameful face
Cause after yesterday's party
That very annoying party
She came over to my place
Hey Andre, you'd better stop.
Think Henk won't go over the top.
No, you're not the first one that ...
I had a sneaking suspicion
A deep and dark suspicion
Of Carmenita's latest fad
(to the tune of: Vogeltje wat zing je vroeg
(birdie you sing so early) by Toon Hermans)