Hypnos and Thanathos
Also retired etruscologist grandpa Allard
joined forces and counseled his grandson to
think about his classical background.
"You do have Greek and Latin, don't you?"
Underworld of Tartarus
Hypnos' home
but also Thanatos.
And a lovely one from sis Monica,
the actress who visited them that Sunday:
Tenderfoot from Trinidad
trouser socks
and still a virgin man.
The Pot's lived in a uptown block
with all professor names. Theirs:
Professor Drossaert Lullofsstraat.
The neighborhood was named Galgenveld.
Grandpa lived above where he had a pot stove,
although the house had central heating.
His words kept tickling Paul's mind
and he started browsing randomly in a book
with Greek legends and myths whereby,
the Odyssey caught his attention.
That night he fought in his dream a
battle in the middle of knights on horseback.
Loads of blood streamed in the gutter
of the square in front of the Pot residence.