"Have you previously worked in a gay disco?
And that in Faenza?" "Yes ... Gay Bikers."
"What are camp records?" "For example
Chirpy Chirpy, Cheep Cheep and Baccara."
To make it more clear to them, Henk sang:
"Miestel, yo heyes aa full or essitation."
Carlo and Fausto didn't understand a thing.
Washing dishes paid more than double the
amount Henk had in Faenza. And here he got
to eat well and could sleep in the hotel attic.
Finally a bed again after spending the night
in a sleeping bag on motocross courts.
As the tourist season ran out, Henk
had hinted at the fact that he wanted
to stay in Italy for longer when
their work had ended with the season.
And he had to talk to someone about his
movie plans. In the winter, Fausto would
be working again in Rifugio 'Foce di Giove'
in the Parco Naturale delle Alpi Apuane,
and now would have a few weeks time.
Would he be interested in the making
of a film? "You bet, and in that old
junk shop I live, I'll make some space
and find an old stretcher for you."