again, or perhaps better, back to Oudenaarde.
We could reconstruct the whole thing. Also
the end where the inhabitants light their
candles from the back of the naked girl."
Carmenita just wanted to use the basic idea
to make something completely new out of that.
"I would rather see it playing in the present.
The story begins with children gathering wood
for the midsummer fire. If we're gonna use that,
we gonna need a children's choir as well. Is that
ritual still celebrated? And on what day?"

That could be looked up. In the libretto it was
in Bavarian: 'heilinga Veit'. That is 'Saint Vitus'
and that is the June 15th. But in Flanders the
longest day or better the shortest night is
celebrated on the 24th, Saint John the Baptist.
"You know where they have a fire wood shortage
right now? In Bosnia." "Henk, that's it, picture
it. A destroyed town, children looking for fire
wood in the rubble, afraid of snipers. The mayor
in the script can be a leader of a paramilitary
unit. And a 14-year-old boyfriend of one of
the girls fights in a gang that ..." Marie was
getting on a role. And she very much welcomed
the text that Henk made for the opening song.
