Preferable something funny. Old Harakiri's
for example. No, I won't stain them.
I take them to Erdal Ozipek. He scans them
and puts them in a self printed magazine
with computer tips and related poetry.
Look, this one for example:"

"And Henkie boy, is gonna give the circulation
figures a hefty boost, isn't it?" "Just like
in some English tabloids on page three."
"And knowing you, the name 'Bitmap', won't
last very much longer." "Oddly, I hadn't thought
of that. Do you have a suggestion?"
"Call it just what it is: porn or as we
say here in Nijmegen: pörno, purno, peurno."
Not only obscene pictures.
Henk wrote scabrous songs.
You fucking bet.
dirty rib-ticklers.
Ain't seen nothing yet.

Harakiri 10