After the Belgae welcomed Henk Samrink
You Batavi, Sicambri or Usipi
Tribes, maybe a little bit creepy
Are being informed that a phone call
Made him leave the country all in all
The awaiting film director career
Probably could wait another year
"Henk, are you older than eighteen?
And no objections to a nude scene?"
"Carmenita, is there an audition?
No, then you have my admission."

(in the style of:)
Marcus Valerius Martialis
Arriving at the train station in Heist-op-den-Berg,
he hardly recognized her with her bright white
hair. She had bleached her hair with a substance,
in the old days known as 'spuma batava'. At home
she introduced him to Marie Morneau, the director,
with whom she was gonna work on what was
described in the contract as: a musical performance
in at most two acts. The thing about that nude scene
hadn't been serious. "Eet ees okay to call me
Marie ..." In his confusion Henk had mumbled
'Mrs' or something. During the meal she called him:
"Poil de carotte." "Carrot top" explained Carmenita.
"Her great-uncle Jules Renard wrote the novel
'Poil de Carotte' and so ..." Marie: "wheech ees
also a one-act play." Camenita came up with a
carrot joke: "What's invisible and smells like
carrots? No one? ... bunny farts!" Henk didn't
feel at ease at all.