I broke up with Boet, I said adios to your
brother." Marie corrected: As a matter of
fact, you were gonna do that, he just left
after a quarrel." Gradually Henk became
less enthusiastic about the chicken livers
he was eating. But he started feeling better
when another bottle of wine was opened and
he behaved somewhat looser. In the evening
they baked mores fries and made plans to go
to Brussels the next day. To search libraries
for libretti and scores. Richard Strauss:
'Feuersnot', 'Ariadne auf Naxos' and 'Capriccio'.
Antonio Salieri: 'La Grotta di Trofonio' and
'Prima la musica e poi le parole.'
Richard Strauss
Actually it had been the story of Trofonio,
that gave rise to the idea to invite Henk.
Together with Marie, Carmenita had been
browsing in an opera guide, to give the
inspiration a helping hand. The twin
daughters of a certain Aristone, Ofelia
and Dori are allowed to choose the partner
of their choice. But the men in question
discover a magic cave where the magician
Trofonio achieves that their characters
are reversed and that leads to the usual
convolutions of the Arcadian intrigue and
of course the usual happy ending.
"You know, once Boet brought along his
younger brother, Henk is his name, and
quite frankly, I liked him a lot more."
"Call him immediately." Marie had said.

Antonio Salieri