"You see the two girls, right there,
to the right of the stage? I know
the blonde. She works at Nobelle,
let's go. Her name is Vanessa Pauweoog
... by the way. We can talk about ...
lingerie, what more do you want?"
But Paul was far too drunk to have
a conversation. When Henk and Vanessa
wanted to go, they heard Paul drivel to
Norma: "Verily, verily, I say onto thee,
girl, Norma, isn't it, today thou shalt
be with me in paradise." Norma looked
at her friend and said: "What am I
gonna do, he's frunk as duck?"

Barely three weeks later, the love affair
with Vanessa Pauweoog had already ended.
The fact that Henk was not insensitive to
the flirting of one of her girlfriends
was not the main reason. More important
was that she stopped him wandering his hands.
She really had to cry when he broke up with her.
"Because of my breasts ... isn't it Henk?"
"Breasts? What do you mean?" "That I don't
have nipples ... sniff ..." So that was it.
Ouch ... no nipples what so ever.