protector of scapegoat Victor Stofhok …
uh Stokhof. Because of his prominent front
teeth also named 'Bugs'. Mark could not
take his eyes off auburn haired Ien.
"Victor, do you think that one of
the two is ... uh, doing it with her?"
"I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
Both Henk and Paul think and know
that they have no chance with her."

Bugs Bunny and Mark Antony
"Tonight I slept with Mark Antonisse
in his tent." Ien confessed to Paul.
"But you can't tell anybody!
Top secret. I beg you."
"Well, you shouldn't have told me
or at least have warned me that
you were gonna tell a secret.
Then I could have told you
not wanting to hear it, although …
Now you impose an obligation on me."
"But you can not ... if someone ..."
"Given the fact that I am a blabbermouth …
Well ... it's alright, but I can't promise
anything." "Pauhaul ... also not to Henk."