and whether they would go for a drink.
But Andre became less sympathetic to Henk,
when he said: "I have considered three
studies: cultural anthropology, pedagogy
and art history, because of the number of
women you'll find there. "When he saw Ien
lift her eyebrows, continuing: "I am very
happy with my final choice, otherwise I
might never have met you." "Slime ball.
Do you know how he determined his choice?"
"Dice?" "Almost, I Ching." Paul looked at
Henk and seemed to ask: "Shall we go?"

What Paul didn't know was that Henk had come
with a purpose. "That notebook that we had at
school, Ien, you remember, with our texts ...
You still got that? Here, by the way?"
"Yes, but what do you wanna do with it?"
"Edit ... tell again, to change a lot in it
and much more ... I don't know yet.
It just seemed ..." "I don't know either,
I'd like to keep it for myself, for later."
"Come on ... later ..." Henk sneered.
"Alright, but let me at least copy it.
Then I bring it back later this week."
Only to Paul, Henk had told something
about his film activities and Paul thought:
"A scenario or a script maybe, Henk ?"