Willem Duys
The photo corner was also replaced.
By a new section with Willem Duys' motto:
Yes, folks, also animals need love.
And contained facts as:
The sable (Mustela zibellina) can extend
the act of love to around ten hours.
The love life of the octopus species
Octopus vulgaris revolves around
the third of his / her eight arms.
An intermediate piece is missing and therefore,
the animal is referred to as cephalopod.
Their favorite food is crab (Brachyura).
They live solitary and practice the backstroke.
That is, if they had a back. It's a head with arms.
The weasel (Mustela nivalis) is proficient in oral sex.

The name Bitmap / Ponro had not been changed.
Sara and Erdal got along just fine. He made her acquainted
with technology and she in her turn him with biology.
Because she also digged his nerdiness,
even the computer topics had survived.
Iterative or recursive programming (example)
Discover the random generator (number or word)
Michael Jackson Structured Programming.

not this one ................................... but this one