doubts. "Film is very nice and everything,
but is it actually something I wanna do?
I always hated photography. All in all,
haven't shot ten pictures." And he didn't
wanna be snapped as well. He understood
very well what Papuans meant when they
said that photography took away something
of the images you were made of. Even more
true for the recording of the voice. Up
to now he had escaped the video camera.
And he was more an audile person. "Others
talk about images in their head. When I
try to remember things, images are
overshadowed by the sounds and melody
of the words that go with it. And the odor."

"... or am I just making up arguments against
filming? I guess so." Moreover, he would be
on the other side of the camera ... although ...
that made him not the one who was stolen from
but the ... come on ... who cares. However
Fausto had no hesitation. He had arranged
a skateboard and assigned the sound to Carlo,
who had just returned from the trip to his
in-laws in Sardinia. On a warm autumn day,
the lot was packed in Fausto's Fiat to go
filming in nevertheless a bit chilly places.