a while, so why don't you sleep in my room tonight?
Or do you insist on sleeping on the sofa? No ... right?"
"At first I thought you two girls might sleep together,
but now you're asking ..." "Marie is still waiting for
her Kokoschka, Mahler, Gropius or Werfel and keeps a
sort of Zemlinsky dangling. Or aren't you familiar with
those names?" "Only Mahler I know." "I compare her to
Alma Mahler, then called Schindler, who allowed her
young music teacher Alexander von Zemlinsky all kinds
of things but not as she calls it 'going to the extreme'.
To save that for someone who is going to make name."

Alexander von Zemlinsky .............Alma Schindler
"Marie herself made the analogy. It was the story of
'Feuersnot' which brought us there. Also in that story
a lover is kept dangling, but not just metaphorically.
On a rope in a basket in which one 'Diemut' was gonna
hoist him up, 'Kunrad' remains halfway dangling.
But enough about others. Let's talk about ..."
"Let's ... go to the bedroom." "This is the bed my
parents slept in." "I ... uh ... actually also never ...
uh ... went to the extreme." And that was also not
gonna happen that night. But she did learn him how
to finger her. And he came by the time she kneaded
his exposed glans between her pretty big breasts.

Die Windsbraut - Oskar Kokoschka