Odysseus and Circe
We blinded drunken Polyphemus
Disguised ourselves as sheep
The Laistrygones ate our friends
Eleven ships send to the deep
Suggesting we were merely pigs
The potion worked out on the crew
But Hermes holy herb moly
Protected us of Circe's brew
And then a scary trip to Hades
All the fire and the brimstone
That cost our life maybe two times
As in the end was shown
"I'm amazed, did you do that completely
on your own, Ien? And did you also buy
rhyme dictionary?" "Yes, Paul and what comes
in handy as well is a synonym dictionary."
"How long is it gonna be?" "I don't know,
I've had the Iliad, and am half way the
Odyssey. But I don't wanna make too long."