and the heaviest metal is osmium."
Henk came in five minutes late in
the physics class. "And where are you
coming from, Samrink?" "From Bokki Wokki,
sir." "Come on ... sit ... silence!"
"Antonisse, which metal is the most
common in the earth crust?" "Iron? …
copper? ..." "No, aluminum. And who knows
from where the raw bauxite has its name?"
"Les Baux, France" "Excellent Victor."
Typical intellectual joke about soccer:
Johan Cruyff is speaking in an interview.
"It's all about the details, the mix …"
The reporter interrupts: "The idiosyncratic
of Barcelona?" Cruyff with a straight face
says: "That's right." The reporter again:
"And the iconoclastic ..." Says Johan: "don't
get what smashing statues got to do with it."