So far, his career as a pallbearer,
hadn't been too burdensome for Victor.
The grief of the people was outweighed
by the amazing stories told by mortician
Rinus van den Ockeloen. But then came his
baptism of fire. His first heartbreaking
funeral. A mother and her son were killed
in a head-on collision. The father tried
to throw himself on the coffin, that they
were transporting on a kind of tea trolley.

"Well dad, what have you been up to?"
"Oh girl, you don't wanna know. They've
stopped the dole. They want her, your mom,
to pay me alimony. But I don't fuckin' want that.
Anyway, I'm going away for a while, mean…
back to England. Got involved in a nasty thing.
Threw a TV-set out of the window that killed
a dog owned by a revenge seeking guy."
"And now ... the place is becoming too hot
for you?" "Right, and I thought you'd probably
want the room, since you're gonna to college.
Although, livin' above a pub ..."
"Thaaanks dad, I love you."