(what at least he considered to be)
ode to himself.
Feckless dilly-dallier
Drowsy clodhopper
Flaky space cadet
Lazy-bones lounger
Empty-headed washout
Dallying slow poke
Loitering dawdler
Slothful slacker
Dopey procrastinator
Shirky flash in the pan
Sluggish goldbrick
Idle couch potato
Worthless good-for-nothing
On the second day of the graduation exam
Henk was one of the first witnesses
of a car accident on the Graafseweg.
The driver that had caused the accident
asked for Henk's jacket, and if he
could lay it under the victim's head.
So he missed half an hour of the
chemistry exam, which was his weakest
topic anyhow. But in one way or another
the shock had worked in his favor. It was
the only B between many C's and one D,
he received. In biology, he had a kind
of blackout. Osmosis, turgor pressure
and semipermeable plasma membrane
had very little meaning for him that day.