is the wish on the side of caution ..."
"You're mixing up two expressions, Henk"
But I think I know what you're trying to
say ... only, I don't agree with you.
Caution is not unimportant, but isn't
precisely 'war' the father of all, as
Heraclitus said?" "Yes, but you can
either recklessly plunge or carefully
move into a battle , so ... " Henk and
grandpa Pot had really missed their
disputes. Henk had come to ask where
Paul lived these days, but would stay
around to wrangle with grandpa, who by
the way only knew that Paul now lived
somewhere in the 'Brakkenstein' district.
"Ask later when my daughter comes home."

"In my infant years, the doctor found
I couldn't stick out my tongue very far.
To my mother's surprise (shouldn't that
be done in the hospital?) he took a
lancet and cut the tongue web. Now I
have the gift of the gab and therefore
can speak fitly or be silent wisely.
As my late uncle Günther used to say:
'Das Maul is wie ein Gaul, Beide haben
den Zaum nötig' (The mouth is like a
horse, both need the bridle).Another
calvados, Henk?" "Why not, it'll loosen
the bridle a bit more."