to a writing contest promoting safe sex.
"Lets use your name Erdal, with a Turkish name
double chance because of positive discrimination."
They won a consolation prize.
Erdal himself had a go at scabrous songs.
A Russian film had inspired him.
Tam had his pico
His pico in Vera’s cruz
Tam told Vera
Little Vera
You tasty puss

One of the 'subscribers' to their magazine,
Sara Troelstra, approached Erdal and Henk with
a poem that supposedly spread among the girls.
White discharge of Karin Beks
yogurt cure
And a month of no sex.
"Impossible, with her own name."
They wanted to hold off the thing a bit
and not become involved in any intrigues.
Besides, their reputation did not
match their sexual activity. Once,
in the bushes near the swimming pool,
a girl from one of the lower classes
had given Henk a wank and Erdal
had been once to a whore house.