to be able to catch a few words. "Don't worry,
he's not taking it hard, I think, and of course
he's more mad at me, than at you. And at you,
Marie, he even thinks that you are behind all
this. He wanted to take me on a trip to South
Africa, imagine ... screw him." There were
other things Henk worried about. The fact that
he ran out of money, and was living already two
weeks at their expense. Not too worried though.
It looked like Carmenita was well provided for.

Richard Strauss.....Ernst von Wolzogen......Richard Wagner
For 'Feuersnot' (the need for fire), Strauss and
the librettist von Wolzogen had moved the setting
of the saga 'Het gedoofde vuur (extinguished fire)
van Oudenaerde' to Munich. The town, Strauss had to
settle an old score with. Both Richard Strauss and
Richard Wagner weren't always treated very friendly
by the Bavarian town. So he puts these words into
the mouth of his protagonist Kunrad:
"Sein Wagen kam allzu gewagt euch vor,
Da triebt ihr den Wagner aus dem Tor
Den bösen Feind, den triebt ihr nit aus
Der stellt sich euch immer auf's neu' zum Strauss."
(You might put 'Wagner' (wheelwright)
outside the gates but a new enemy will
show up with a 'Strauss' (bunch of flowers.)
Fragment from Feuersnot