graduation exam. "Erdal, I just don't have
time for other things anymore. I can't
afford to fail the exam. Look, you'll pass
easily, but I should finally be doing
something. Six years in this jail is enough."
Paul and Norma, whose last name turned out
to be 'Winkelhaak', were like two lovebirds.
Norma was working as a nurse in the home for
terminal patients 'Kalorama' in Ubbergen.
She was depressed but brightened again, thanks
to the love for Paul. Her father was the owner
of the riding school 'St. Francis' in Groesbeek.
While 'andare al cavallo di San Francesco'
is an Italian phrase for: to go on foot.

"If I'm shaking the windows, give
a me a shout at radio Santa Maria.
All the good numbers to Sjef Hendrickx,
Lady Sunbeam, and everyone that might be
sick, old or lonely. Get your ears on."
Boet was tinkering with his motorcycle.
The radio continued: "Schöne Meid, hast
du heut' für mich Zeit ... ho ja ho ja ho …
ja ba da ba doe ..." Henk was helping his
mother baking sausage rolls. 'Apple of
my eye, are you coming along, Sunday, to
root for Boet, at the motocross in Boekel?"