a much worse message. "Tony is dead." "What? ..."
"Come home immediately, this very night we'll
take the ferry to England." In the train on the
way to Zeebrugge: "But how did he obtain that boat?"
"I only know what his sister told me over the phone.
He had inherited a small yacht from his uncle Reggie,
the boxing promoter. Like Tony a black sheep in the
Sarie family." "Do you think we will have to identify
him?" "His sister said that there was not much to
identify. The cabin and the body were completely
charred. They had to ... consult his dentist."
"If I want to ban something from my mind,
I'm silently gonna sing weird songs like:
Rockwell's 'Somebody's watching me'.
I feel reluctant going to the funeral.
And ... two complete strangers, I have to
call grandma and grandpa." "That won't be
necessary. Everything will be just fine."
"But Tony didn't like them either?" "No,
at least he rather not spoke of them."
"From grandma, I mean your mother, I can
remember that she told me that those spots
on moon, do not make up a face. People see
faces in all kinds of things. Clouds, rocks,
tree stumps. But if you were looking really
carefully, it was so obvious a little old
woman with a bundle of twigs on her back."
"The shadow of a hare, when I was young."