Carmenita's mother called to say that she
was coming home soon. "I don't see why I'd
better not meet your mother. What the hell?
I mean, if she comes to live here again, maybe
with that priest, we're out of here. But we don't
have to leave immediately, do we?" Suddenly
Henk thought of advice from his father. "Before
you plan to start a relation with a woman, try
to get to know her mother. There is a good
chance that she takes after her. Or better yet,
the grandmother. Characters often skip a
generation." Something to that effect.

"No, forget it. I know exactly how that's gonna
end. To me it will be very embarrassing, but it
would be no fun for you either. Honestly, believe
me, you'd constantly be weighed up. And I had
always arguments with her anyway. I'm going on
a vacation. You can come with me if you want.
Where shall we go? There's plenty of time. It
takes months before Marie and the production
people will get somewhere. I'd love to go to
Sicily, it's still warm there." And so it was. After
three wonderful weeks Henk decided he saw no
objection in showing Carmenita to his mother.
From Zaventem they had called Marie, but
when it turned out that she wasn't at home,
they traveled on straight to Nijmegen.