The minute Paul opened the gate of the fenced
courtyard behind the house on Ananasstraat, where
the Samrinks lived, the dogs started barking.
The German shepherds called Monza and Kazan.
Monza came running towards Paul, while Henk's
father Walter was putting Kazan in the small trailer
behind the Opel Ascona. The names of both dogs in
red tape on the trailer. Mrs. Samrink, Mirjam,
shouted to Henk, who was upstairs: "Come down,
Paul is here. Now Boet is not here, you two
can load those boxes and crates in the Transit."
Through the open window Henk beckoned Paul to
come upstairs.

Henk's brother Boet was in hospital.
A very weird thing happened to him.
He woke up this morning and found to his horror,
a turd lying on his belly button.
He went to the doctor who said:
"The intestine is snapped.
We call that a para-umbilical hernia."
So Henk had to skip in for Boet,
to sell second-hand albums at the fair.