Henk hadn't slept well for a couple of nights.
In a tree behind the shed was an owl that barked
like a dwarf pinscher. He didn't feel like having
breakfast. Instead he went for a cup of coffee to
grandpa Pot. So he could ask for some information,
to provide better opposition to Ien's ideas. She
went way beyond that Wilkens by now, and claimed
to have localized Knossos III. Namely La Coruña in
Spanish Galicia. But she also had visited grandpa.
"Yes, she saw a kind of connection between Truro in
Cornwall and the Etruscans and wanted to know about the
beginning of the Iron Age, Elba and the Tolfa Mountains.

Etruscan urn
Well, there are three legends about the origin of the
Etruscans: they were either Lydians, or Pelasgians or
from Lemnos. There are indeed indications of a northern
influence. The emergence of cremation. Urn fields, mainly
to be found on the coast. The position of the women in
society. But above all she was interested in stories
about how the heroes of the Trojan war had founded
cities in Italy. Aeneas course, but also Antenor,
Diomedes and Philoctetes." "Oh, the one of the smelly
snake bite wound." "So you did read Sophocles or Ovid?"
"No, but I have a nose for smooth details."
