like Greg Norman, but was called Theo.
Wouldn't that have sounded like: Teo,
Tiu, Dio, Dieu, Ju(-piter), Zeus. Tia, Jah,
etcetera.? And would such a man not
have been terribly attractive to the wives
and daughters of local rulers? Leto of Delos.
Maia of Arcadia. Alkmene and Io of Argos.
Semele of Thebes. Aegina of Oinone. Danae
of King Akrisos. Europe of King Agenor of
Phoenicia, Leda of King Tyndareus of Sparta,
mother of the beautiful Helena."

Zeus and Kronos
"From father Kronos, Theo had inherited
the upper realm. But he had proved to be
stronger than his brothers Hades and Poseidon.
So the empire was reunited under one ruler,
even greatly expanded to the south and east.
Maybe he had been all the way to the Middle
East, accompanied by druids. Had Abraham
seen him under the terebinths of Mamre.
Or at least stories about High King Theo
might have reached Mesopotamia." Two
teachers rather didn't want to asses
Ien's papers anymore. But she did
gather enough credits to continue.