page 104

"On the one hand water has fascinated man
for centuries, on the other hand, it is an
essential element of many a nightmare ..."
While Henk was having a coffee with a piece
of apple strudel, he was listening to the radio
and browsed the newspaper, his eye fell on a
photo of a man who had put on his jacket but
forgot to remove the coat hanger. The caption
mentioned the name Andreotti. "Grrr ... away
with the newspaper and let the radio shut up
too." And there you had the woman next door.
Whether he could shoot the owl from the tree.

"Walter used to have an air rifle with which he
shot starlings from the cherry tree in summer,
didn't he?" "No, I'm not gonna do that. It will
fly off eventually. "When I was young I once
haphazardly shot into the cherry tree and
thought that a starling fell out, but I didn't
check. I almost stepped on it when I was with
dad searching for Colorado beetles in the potato
patch. You had to crush them under your soles.
I had shot away the back of the starlings head.
But I'm not gonna shoot owls."